shinyTime - A Time Input Widget for Shiny
Provides a time input widget for Shiny. This widget allows intuitive time input in the '[hh]:[mm]:[ss]' or '[hh]:[mm]' (24H and 12H) format by using a separate numeric input for each time component. The interface with R uses date-time objects. See the project page for more information and examples.
Last updated 10 months ago
7.77 score 28 stars 13 dependents 166 scripts 2.2k downloadsmdftracks - Read and Write 'MTrackJ Data Files'
'MTrackJ' is an 'ImageJ' plugin for motion tracking and analysis (see <>). This package reads and writes 'MTrackJ Data Files' ('.mdf', see <>). It supports 2D data and read/writes cluster, point, and channel information. If desired, generates track identifiers that are unique over the clusters. See the project page for more information and examples.
Last updated 1 years ago
2.78 score 1 stars 12 scripts 209 downloads